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and why should 
you care about Carol?

To be honest, it would take you quite a few working days to learn about my journey. Let's summarize it so you can have a better idea of who I am.

From a very young age, I knew what I wanted to be: nothing but a fashion designer. This realization dawned on me when I was seven, as my mom made me a gorgeous dress for my birthday.

Since that moment, I've always been curious and sneaky, trying to catch glimpses of this "fantasy" world behind my parents' backs. Long story short, I finally succeeded in convincing my mom to let me pursue this dream when my work was worn by a very influential fashion figure in Vietnam - Chau Bui.

From there, I began working as a fashion designer for two local brands in Vietnam. However, deep down, I knew I wanted more. So, I applied to Lasalle here in Singapore, seeking to challenge myself beyond my comfort zone. It's been a rough journey, I must admit, but I'm glad I took it because I never expected to learn so many skills and gain so much experience.

Day by day, my design style has become clearer. If I ever had the chance to go back to the day I decided to study abroad, I would do it again and again.

To me, there's so much more in life waiting to be discovered, and I'm excited to explore it.

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